Atomistry » Potassium » PDB 6n93-6pc3
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Potassium in PDB, part 69 (files: 2721-2760), PDB 6n93-6pc3

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Potassium (K) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Potassium atoms. PDB files: 2721-2760 (PDB 6n93-6pc3).
  1. 6n93 (K: 1) - Methylmalonyl-Coa Decarboxylase in Complex with 2-Nitronate-Propionyl- Oxa(Dethia)-Coa
    Other atoms: Ni (3);
  2. 6n94 (K: 2) - Methylmalonyl-Coa Decarboxylase in Complex with 2-Nitronate-Propionyl- Amino(Dethia)-Coa
    Other atoms: Ni (2);
  3. 6n95 (K: 2) - Methylmalonyl-Coa Decarboxylase in Complex with 2-Sulfonate-Propionyl- Coa
    Other atoms: Ni (2);
  4. 6naq (K: 14) - Crystal Structure of Neisseria Meningitidis Clpp Protease in Apo Form
  5. 6nax (K: 1) - Olfactomedin Domain of Mouse Myocilin
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Na (2);
  6. 6nc1 (K: 4) - Ftsy-Ng High-Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  7. 6nfu (K: 4) - Structure of the Kcsa-G77A Mutant or the 2,4-Ion Bound Configuration of A K+ Channel Selectivity Filter.
  8. 6nfv (K: 4) - Structure of the Kcsa-G77C Mutant or the 2,4-Ion Bound Configuration of A K+ Channel Selectivity Filter.
  9. 6nlf (K: 3) - 1.45 A Resolution Structure of Apo Bfrb From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  10. 6nlg (K: 1) - 1.50 A Resolution Structure of Bfrb (C89S/K96C) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with A Small Molecule Fragment (Analog 1)
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  11. 6nlj (K: 3) - 1.65 A Resolution Structure of Apo Bfrb From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with A Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitor (Analog 12)
  12. 6nph (K: 2) - Structure of NKCC1 Tm Domain
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  13. 6npl (K: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of NKCC1
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  14. 6nu1 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human PKM2 in Complex with L-Cysteine
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  15. 6nu5 (K: 2) - Pyruvate Kinase M2 Mutant - S437Y in Complex with L-Cysteine
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  16. 6nub (K: 2) - Pyruvate Kinase M2 Mutant - S437Y in Complex with L-Serine
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  17. 6nv8 (K: 2) - Perdeuterated Tyrosine Phenol-Lyase From Citrobacter Freundii Complexed with An Aminoacrylate Intermediate Formed From S-Ethyl-L- Cysteine and 4-Hydroxypyridine
  18. 6nzg (K: 2) - Bacteroides Uniformis Beta-Glucuronidase 2 Covalently Bound to Cyclophellitol-6-Carboxylate Aziridine
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  19. 6o7c (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Ljcastor Gating Ring in the CA2+ and K+ State
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Ca (3); Na (1);
  20. 6o9t (K: 2) - KIRBAC3.1 Mutant at A Resolution of 4.1 Angstroms
  21. 6o9u (K: 9) - KIRBAC3.1 at A Resolution of 2 Angstroms
    Other atoms: Ba (1); Cl (1);
  22. 6o9v (K: 3) - KIRBAC3.1 Mutant at A Resolution of 3.1 Angstroms
  23. 6od9 (K: 5) - Co-Crystal Structure of the Fusobacterium Ulcerans Ztp Riboswitch Using An X-Ray Free-Electron Laser
    Other atoms: Cs (2); Mg (2);
  24. 6oda (K: 6) - Crystal Structure of HDAC8 in Complex with Compound 2
    Other atoms: F (9); Zn (3);
  25. 6odb (K: 6) - Crystal Structure of HDAC8 in Complex with Compound 3
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  26. 6odc (K: 6) - Crystal Structure of HDAC8 in Complex with Compound 30
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  27. 6of8 (K: 5) - Structure of THR354ASN, GLU355GLN, THR412ASN, ILE414MET, ILE464HIS, and PHE467MET Mutant Human Camkii-Alpha Hub Domain
  28. 6oj1 (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Aspergillus Fumigatus EGA3
  29. 6ol3 (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of An Adenovirus Virus-Associated Rna
  30. 6osr (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Influenza Hemagglutinin From Strain A/Melbourne/1/1946(H1N1)
    Other atoms: Na (3);
  31. 6ovl (K: 1) - 2.1 Angstrom Structure of Wild Type Glyoxylate/Hydroxypyruvate Reductase A From Escherichia Coli in Complex with Glyoxylate and Nadp
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  32. 6oxd (K: 1) - Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Methylmalonyl-Coa Mutase with Adenosyl Cobalamin
    Other atoms: Co (1);
  33. 6ozi (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ciona Intestinalis (Ci) Endonuclease V (D234N) in Complex with A 23MER Dna Containing An Inosine Followed By A Ribo- Adenosine
  34. 6ozj (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mus Musculus (Mm) Endonuclease V in Complex with A 23MER Rna Oligo Containing An Inosine in the Absence of Divalent Cation
  35. 6ozr (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mus Musculus (Mm) Endonuclease V in Complex with A 23MER Rna Oligo Containing An Inosine After A 15 Min Soak in 10 Mm MG2+
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  36. 6p0y (K: 2) - Cryptosporidium Parvum Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Adp
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cl (2);
  37. 6p1m (K: 1) - Binary Complex of Human Dna Polymerase Mu with 1-Nt Gapped Substrate Containing Template 8OG
    Other atoms: Br (2); Cl (2);
  38. 6p45 (K: 5) - Crystal Structure of the G-Quadruplex Formed By (Tgggt)4 in Complex with N-Methylmesoporphryin IX
  39. 6p9v (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Hmat Mutant K289L
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  40. 6pc3 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Helicobacter Pylori Ppx/Gppa in Complex with Gsp
    Other atoms: Mg (4); Cl (3);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:22:51 2025

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