Atomistry » Potassium » PDB 6bd3-6csr
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Potassium in PDB, part 61 (files: 2401-2440), PDB 6bd3-6csr

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Potassium (K) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Potassium atoms. PDB files: 2401-2440 (PDB 6bd3-6csr).
  1. 6bd3 (K: 2) - Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Acetohydroxyacid Synthase
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  2. 6bd9 (K: 2) - Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Acetohydroxyacid Synthase
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  3. 6bek (K: 2) - Structure of Sihf Bound to An 8BP Palindromic Dna
  4. 6bj9 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of ACAT2 Thiolase From Ascaris Suum
  5. 6bjp (K: 4) - Apo Form of the E124S Mutant of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  6. 6bma (K: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Indole-3-Glycerol Phosphate Synthase From Campylobacter Jejuni Subsp. Jejuni Nctc 11168
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  7. 6bri (K: 6) - Rhcc with Unreduced and Reduced Mercury Complexes
    Other atoms: Hg (13); I (17); Na (2);
  8. 6bwn (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Protocadherin-15 EC6-7
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  9. 6by2 (K: 3) - Closed and Deep-Inactivated Conformation of Kcsa-T75A Mutant
  10. 6by3 (K: 6) - Open and Conductive Conformation of Kcsa-T75A Mutant
  11. 6c07 (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase (Metk/Mat) From Cryptosporidium Parvum
    Other atoms: Mg (7); Cl (2);
  12. 6c09 (K: 3) - Ternary Crystal Structure of the 3C8 Tcr-CD1C-Monoacylglycerol Complex
  13. 6c0g (K: 2) - Lysinoalanine Synthase, Durn, From Duramycin Biosynthesis
  14. 6c0h (K: 2) - Lysinoalanine Synthase, Durn, From Duramycin Biosynthesis Bound to 1- DHA6ALA
  15. 6c0y (K: 8) - Lysinoalanine Synthase, Durn, From Duramycin Biosynthesis Bound to Duramycin
  16. 6c3m (K: 1) - Wild Type Structure of Sirhp
    Other atoms: Fe (5);
  17. 6c3o (K: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human Katp Bound to Atp and Adp in Quatrefoil Form
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  18. 6c3x (K: 1) - Wild Type Structure of Sirhp
    Other atoms: Fe (5);
  19. 6c3y (K: 1) - Wild Type Structure of Sirhp
    Other atoms: Fe (5);
  20. 6c3z (K: 1) - T477A Sirhp
    Other atoms: Fe (5);
  21. 6c63 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Mango-II Fluorescent Aptamer Bound to TO1- Biotin
  22. 6c64 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Mango-II Fluorescent Aptamer Bound to TO3- Biotin
  23. 6c65 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Mango-II-A22U Fluorescent Aptamer Bound to TO1-Biotin
  24. 6c9u (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of [KS3][AT3] Didomain From Module 3 of 6- Deoxyerthronolide B Synthase in Complex with Antibody Fragment (Fab)
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  25. 6c9x (K: 2) - The Crystal Structure of the Alpha-Glucosidase (Gh 31) From Ruminococcus Obeum Atcc 29174 in Complex with Voglibose
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  26. 6cao (K: 37) - Structure of the Ribosomal Decoding Complex at Ambient Temperature
    Other atoms: Mg (303); Zn (2);
  27. 6cf1 (K: 5) - Proteus Vulgaris Higa Antitoxin Structure
  28. 6cgp (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Danio Rerio Histone Deacetylase 6 Catalytic Domain 2 Complexed with Maip-032
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  29. 6ci0 (K: 1) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides with E101A (II) Mutation
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (2); Fe (4); Ca (2); Cu (6);
  30. 6ck4 (K: 27) - G96A Mutant of the Prpp Riboswitch From T. Mathranii Bound to Ppgpp
    Other atoms: Mg (12);
  31. 6ck5 (K: 3) - Prpp Riboswitch From T. Mathranii Bound to Prpp
    Other atoms: Mg (8); Ba (20);
  32. 6cnm (K: 5) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Human SK4/Calmodulin Channel Complex
  33. 6cnn (K: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Human SK4/Calmodulin Channel Complex in the CA2+ Bound State I
    Other atoms: Ca (12);
  34. 6cp4 (K: 1) - P450CAM D251N Mutant
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  35. 6cq6 (K: 6) - K2P2.1(Trek-1) Apo Structure
    Other atoms: Cd (3);
  36. 6cq8 (K: 6) - K2P2.1(Trek-1):ML335 Complex
    Other atoms: Cd (3); Cl (4);
  37. 6cq9 (K: 5) - K2P2.1(Trek-1):ML402 Complex
    Other atoms: Cd (1); Cl (2);
  38. 6csp (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of Danio Rerio Histone Deacetylase 6 Catalytic Domain 2 in Complex with Cyclohexenylhydroxamate
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Cl (4);
  39. 6csq (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of Danio Rerio Histone Deacetylase 6 Catalytic Domain 2 in Complex with Cyclohexylhydroxamate
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  40. 6csr (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of Danio Rerio Histone Deacetylase 6 Catalytic Domain 2 in Complex with Phenylhydroxamate
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:22:32 2025

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