Potassium in PDB, part 34 (files: 1321-1360),
PDB 4bga-4cn0
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Potassium (K) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Potassium atoms. PDB files: 1321-1360 (PDB 4bga-4cn0).
4bga (K: 8) - Nucleotide-Bound Open Form of A Putative Sugar Kinase MK0840 From Methanopyrus Kandleri
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
4bgb (K: 5) - Nucleotide-Bound Closed Form of A Putative Sugar Kinase MK0840 From Methanopyrus Kandleri
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Ca (1);
4bgu (K: 23) - 1.50 A Resolution Structure of the Malate Dehydrogenase From Haloferax Volcanii
Other atoms:
Cl (71);
4bh5 (K: 1) - Lytm Domain of Envc, An Activator of Cell Wall Amidases in Escherichia Coli
Other atoms:
I (23);
Cl (4);
4bi3 (K: 3) - Structure and Function of Amidase Toxin - Antitoxin Combinations Associated with the Type VI Secretion System of Serratia Marcescens.
4bkx (K: 2) - The Structure of HDAC1 in Complex with the Dimeric ELM2-Sant Domain of MTA1 From the Nurd Complex
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
4bv8 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Apo Form of Mouse Mu-Crystallin.
4bva (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Nadph-T3 Form of Mouse Mu-Crystallin.
Other atoms:
I (12);
4bw5 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Human Two Pore Domain Potassium Ion Channel TREK2 (K2P10.1)
Other atoms:
Cd (2);
4byg (K: 1) - Atpase Crystal Structure
Other atoms:
F (4);
Mg (1);
Al (1);
4byz (K: 5) - Structural Characterization Using Sulfur-Sad of the Cytoplasmic Domain of Burkholderia Pseudomallei PILO2BP, An Actin-Like Protein Component of A Type Ivb R64- Derivative Pilus Machinery.
4bz0 (K: 7) - Structural Characterization Using Sulfur-Sad of the Cytoplasmic Domain of Burkholderia Pseudomallei PILO2BP, An Actin-Like Protein Component of A Type Ivb R64-Derivative Pilus Machinery.
4bz5 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
4bz6 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with Saha
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
4bz7 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with M344
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
4bz8 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with J1038
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
4bz9 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with J1075
Other atoms:
Cl (8);
Zn (4);
4c0o (K: 1) - Transportin 3 in Complex with Phosphorylated Asf/SF2
4c13 (K: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Staphylococcus Aureus Mure with Udp-Murnac-Ala-Glu-Lys
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Cl (1);
4c1l (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Pyrococcus Furiosus 3-Deoxy-D-Arabino- Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase I181D Interface Mutant
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
Cl (4);
4c6u (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis Kasa in Complex with TLM5
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
4c6v (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis Kasa in Complex with TLM5 (Soak For 5 Min)
4c6w (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa
Other atoms:
Na (1);
4c6x (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with Thiolactomycin (Tlm)
4c6z (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with TLM3
4c70 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with TLM4
4c71 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with TLM18
4c72 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with TLM5
4c73 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of M. Tuberculosis C171Q Kasa in Complex with TLM6
Other atoms:
F (6);
4c7l (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain S Hemagglutinin-Esterase
4c7w (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain S Hemagglutinin-Esterase in Complex with 4-O-Acetylated Sialic Acid
4c8z (K: 1) - CAS6 (TTHA0078) Product Complex
4caz (K: 6) - Crystal Structure of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Nadh
4cbb (K: 24) - Apo Form of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
4cfs (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Cofactor-Devoid 1-H-3-Hydroxy-4- Oxoquinaldine 2,4-Dioxygenase (Hod) Catalytically Inactive H251A Variant Complexed with Its Natural Substrate 1-H-3- Hydroxy-4-Oxoquinaldine
4cgb (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Trimerization Domain of EML2
4chi (K: 6) - (R)-Selective Amine Transaminase From Aspergillus Fumigatus at 1.27 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
Na (2);
4chv (K: 2) - The Electron Crystallography Structure of the Camp-Bound Potassium Channel MLOK1
4chw (K: 2) - The Electron Crystallography Structure of the Camp-Free Potassium Channel MLOK1
4cn0 (K: 1) - An Intertwined Homodimer of the Pdz Homology Domain of AHNAK2
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:21:30 2025