Atomistry » Potassium » PDB 3vuw-3zns
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Potassium in PDB, part 32 (files: 1241-1280), PDB 3vuw-3zns

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Potassium (K) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Potassium atoms. PDB files: 1241-1280 (PDB 3vuw-3zns).
  1. 3vuw (K: 3) - Crystal Structure of A20 ZF7 in Complex with Linear Ubiquitin, Form I
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  2. 3vux (K: 3) - Crystal Structure of A20 ZF7 in Complex with Linear Ubiquitin, Form II
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  3. 3vuy (K: 3) - Crystal Structure of A20 ZF7 in Complex with Linear Tetraubiquitin
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  4. 3w1i (K: 5) - Crystal Structure of the N-Terminal Truncated Selenocysteine Synthase Sela
    Other atoms: Pt (2);
  5. 3w1j (K: 5) - Crystal Structure of the N-Terminal Truncated Selenocysteine Synthase Sela in Complex with Thiosulfate
  6. 3w7a (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of Azoreductase Azrc Fin Complex with Sulfone- Modified Azo Dye Acid Red 88
    Other atoms: Ca (3);
  7. 3w8j (K: 4) - Crystal Structure of P5 A0 in A Complex with PRX4 C-Term
  8. 3wav (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Autotaxin in Complex with Compound 10
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Ca (1); Cl (2); Na (1);
  9. 3waw (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Autotaxin in Complex with 2BOA
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Ca (1); Cl (2); Na (1);
  10. 3wax (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Autotaxin in Complex with 3BOA
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Ca (1); Cl (4); Na (1);
  11. 3way (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Autotaxin in Complex with 4BOA
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Ca (1); Cl (4); Na (1);
  12. 3wd6 (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of Bombyx Mori Omega-Class Glutathione Transferase in Complex with Gsh
    Other atoms: I (2);
  13. 3wgd (K: 5) - Crystal Structure of ERP46 TRX1
  14. 3wlv (K: 2) - Thermostable Urate Oxidase From Bacillus Sp. Tb-90
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  15. 3wnw (K: 2) - Structure of Mouse H-Chain Modified Ferritin
    Other atoms: Mg (20); Fe (4);
  16. 3wrh (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of P450CAM
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  17. 3wrj (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of P450CAM
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  18. 3wrl (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of P450CAM
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  19. 3wrm (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of P450CAM
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  20. 3wru (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Bacterial Ribosomal Decoding Site in Complex with Synthetic Aminoglycoside with F-Haba Group
    Other atoms: F (2);
  21. 3wvl (K: 14) - Crystal Structure of the Football-Shaped Groel-Groes Complex (Groel: GROES2:ATP14) From Escherichia Coli
    Other atoms: Mg (14);
  22. 3x3y (K: 2) - Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis Anaerobically Reduced By Histamine
    Other atoms: Cu (2); Na (2);
  23. 3x3z (K: 2) - Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis: Aminoresorcinol Form Produced By Anaerobic Reduction with Ethylamine Hydrochloride
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Cu (2); Na (2);
  24. 3x41 (K: 2) - Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis: Product Schiff- Base Form Produced By Anaerobic Reduction in the Presence of Sodium Bromide
    Other atoms: Br (8); Cu (2); Na (2);
  25. 3x42 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis in the Presence of Sodium Bromide
    Other atoms: Br (8); Cu (2); Na (2);
  26. 3zcg (K: 1) - Ascorbate Peroxidase W41A-H42C Mutant
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  27. 3zch (K: 1) - Ascorbate Peroxidase W41A-H42M Mutant
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  28. 3zcj (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Helicobacter Pylori T4SS Protein Cagl in A Tetragonal Crystal Form with A Helical Rgd-Motif (6 Mol Per Asu)
  29. 3zcy (K: 1) - Ascorbate Peroxidase W41A-H42Y Mutant
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  30. 3zd8 (K: 2) - Potassium Bound Structure of E. Coli Exoix in P1
  31. 3zd9 (K: 1) - Potassium Bound Structure of E. Coli Exoix in P21
  32. 3zda (K: 1) - Structure of E. Coli Exoix in Complex with A Fragment of the FLAP1 Dna Oligonucleotide, Potassium and Magnesium
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  33. 3zdb (K: 1) - Structure of E. Coli Exoix in Complex with the Palindromic 5OV4 Dna Oligonucleotide, Di-Magnesium and Potassium
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  34. 3zdc (K: 1) - Structure of E. Coli Exoix in Complex with the Palindromic 5OV4 Dna Oligonucleotide, Potassium and Calcium
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  35. 3zdd (K: 1) - Structure of E. Coli Exoix in Complex with the Palindromic 5OV6 Oligonucleotide and Potassium
  36. 3zdp (K: 3) - R416A Monomeric Nucleoprotein of Influenza A Virus
  37. 3zed (K: 6) - X-Ray Structure of the Birnavirus VP1-VP3 Complex
  38. 3zn2 (K: 1) - Protein Engineering of Halohydrin Dehalogenase
    Other atoms: Na (3);
  39. 3znr (K: 6) - HDAC7 Bound with Inhibitor TMP269
    Other atoms: F (3); Zn (6);
  40. 3zns (K: 6) - HDAC7 Bound with Tfmo Inhibitor TMP942
    Other atoms: F (9); Zn (6);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 10:16:16 2025

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