Atomistry » Potassium » PDB 7c1o-7fs0
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Potassium in PDB, part 79 (files: 3121-3160), PDB 7c1o-7fs0

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Potassium (K) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Potassium atoms. PDB files: 3121-3160 (PDB 7c1o-7fs0).
  1. 7c1o (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Aquifex Aeolicus Era Y63A Bound to Gdp.ALF4-
    Other atoms: F (4); Mg (1); Al (1);
  2. 7c4i (K: 4) - High Resolution Structure of BRPF1 Bromodomain
  3. 7c75 (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Yak Lactoperoxidase with Partially Coordinated Na Ion in the Distal Heme Cavity
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Fe (1); Ca (1); Na (1);
  4. 7cki (K: 3) - Crystal Structure of Tryptophanyl-Trna Synthetase From Bacillus Stearothermophilus in Complex with Chuangxinmycin and Atp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  5. 7cmz (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of BRCT7/8 in Complex with the Aps Motif of PHF8
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  6. 7cn0 (K: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of K+-Bound Herg Channel
  7. 7cn1 (K: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of K+-Bound Herg Channel in the Presence of Astemizole
  8. 7co6 (K: 1) - Binary Complex of Dna Polymerase Mu with 1-Nt Gapped Dna (Templating Thymine)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  9. 7co8 (K: 1) - Ternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Mu with 2-Nt Gapped Dna (T:Dgmpnpp)
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  10. 7co9 (K: 1) - Ternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Mu with 1-Nt Gapped Dna (T:Dgmpnpp) and Mg
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  11. 7coa (K: 1) - Ternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Mu with 1-Nt Gapped Dna (T:Dgmpnpp) and Mn
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  12. 7coc (K: 1) - Ternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Mu (K438A/Q441A) with 1-Nt Gapped Dna (T:Dgmpnpp)
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  13. 7cow (K: 5) - 353 Bp Di-Nucleosome Harboring Cohesive Dna Termini with Linker Histone H1.0
    Other atoms: Cl (4); Ca (3);
  14. 7d23 (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ixodes Scapularis Glutaminyl Cyclase with One K Ion Bound to the Active Site
  15. 7d52 (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Yak Lactoperoxidase with A Disordered Propionic Group of Heme Moiety at 2.20 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Fe (1); Ca (1); Cl (1);
  16. 7d5d (K: 3) - Left-Handed G-Quadruplex Containing One Bulge
  17. 7d5e (K: 7) - Left-Handed G-Quadruplex Containing Two Bulges
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  18. 7d99 (K: 2) - Human Potassium-Chloride Co-Transporter KCC4
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  19. 7dfy (K: 11) - Novel Motif For Left-Handed G-Quadruplex Formation
    Other atoms: Sr (10);
  20. 7dif (K: 1) - GH127 Beta-L-Arabinofuranosidase HYPBA1 Covalently Complexed with Beta-L-Arabinofuranose-Configured Cyclophellitol at 1.75-Angstrom Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  21. 7dmr (K: 1) - Crystal Structure of Potassium Induced Heme Modification in Yak Lactoperoxidase at 2.20 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Fe (1); Ca (1); Cl (1);
  22. 7dvq (K: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Activated Human Minor Spliceosome (Minor Bact Complex)
    Other atoms: Mg (5); Zn (7);
  23. 7e20 (K: 3) - Cryo Em Structure of A K+-Bound Na+,K+-Atpase in the E2 State
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  24. 7eay (K: 4) - Dna Containing Cu(II)-Mediated 4-N-Carboxymethylcytosine Base Pairs
    Other atoms: Co (18); Cu (12);
  25. 7ech (K: 8) - Crystal Structure of D(G4C2)2-K in F222 Space Group
  26. 7eia (K: 5) - Rna Kink-Turn Motif with Pyrrolo Cytosine
  27. 7et1 (K: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Gastric Proton Pump K791S/E820D/Y340N/E936V/Y799W Mutant in K+-Occluded (K+)E2-Alf State
    Other atoms: Al (1); F (4); Mg (1);
  28. 7f0n (K: 1) - Structure of Deamidated Ubiquitin
    Other atoms: Na (10); Mg (1);
  29. 7f1a (K: 1) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound 78% Gtp/22% Gdp 1 K+, 1 MG2+
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  30. 7f4z (K: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Y149A Mutated HSP72-Nbd in Complex with Adp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Cl (1);
  31. 7f7y (K: 3) - Crystal Structure of Protein Pitb From Pilus Islet-2 of Streptococcus Pneumoniae
    Other atoms: I (9);
  32. 7f8z (K: 5) - Rna Kink-Turn Motif with 2-Aminopurine
  33. 7fcv (K: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Potassium Channel AKT1 Mutant From Arabidopsis Thaliana
  34. 7fha (K: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Atp Sulfurylase Domain of Human PAPSS2 in Complex with Aps
  35. 7frv (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 3
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  36. 7frw (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 4
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  37. 7frx (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 5
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  38. 7fry (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 6
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  39. 7frz (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 7
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  40. 7fs0 (K: 8) - Structure of Liver Pyruvate Kinase in Complex with Allosteric Modulator 8
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 10:18:03 2025

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