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Potassium hydride, KH

Moissan prepared the Potassium hydride, KH, by a method analogous to that employed by him for the corresponding sodium derivative, the excess of potassium being dissolved by liquid ammonia. Ephraim and Michel passed hydrogen into potassium at 350° C., and found the reaction to be promoted by the presence of calcium. The hydride forms white crystals of density 0.80. The vapour-tension for each temperature-interval of 10° between 350° and 410° C. corresponds with the values 56, 83, 120, 168, 228, 308, and 430 mm. respectively. In chemical properties potassium hydride resembles the sodium compound, but is less stable. Its stability is greater than that of rubidium hydride or caesium hydride. Carbon dioxide converts it into potassium formate.

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